EnGEN Is A Full-Service Geotechnical & Geo-Environmental Firm…

…that has provided professional, quality assurance testing and inspection services for over 40 years in Southern California. All of our professional and field engineering personnel have a minimum of 5 years experience in a diverse range of private and public sector project sizes and complexities and certified by Caltrans in both field and laboratory testing.
With a service background that includes large, planned communities, commercial developments, and public project infrastructure improvements. Our depth of experience contributes significantly to ensure that quality assurance compliance requirements are met.
This experience and our training program ensure consistent quality assurance practices that further benefit our client’s personnel safety, quality assurance requirements with a forward looking perspective at potential liability exposure.
Our range of services and certifications comply with the requirements of public agencies, municipalities, State of California, and the federal government projects. Our private sector project experience provides a proven capability in interfacing with the various public oversight agency requirements are met.